Decoration, Furniture, Inspiration

Make a Home Office Your Favorite Space in your Home

If you work from home, you know it’s important to be intentional with your design to not only increase your productivity but also the overall enjoyment of a space you may not always look forward to being in. When COVID hit, we all got creative and found a corner in our homes to work, and if you are still working from home in 2022 and for the foreseeable future, then it’s time to be more intentional about your office design and work from home routine before the busy holiday season. Here are a few ways to take your workspace and make it peaceful and calming through some of our favorite design tips.

That way, you can soak up chill vibes even when the pressure is on and deadlines are looming.

Wide Open Space With Great Lighting

First, you need your own office space. Dedicate an area in your home to your work, a room you can close off from the world. Think serene isolation. Ideally, this room should be a full den with a door you can lock, space for a desk or whatever you need to organize your work, and windows to allow plenty of natural light.

The décor of this room should have a background aesthetic, nothing too distracting. You might try cool, neutral colors and minimalistic designs. 

Try a Multisensory Office

Most importantly, make it a space you enjoy being in and one that ignites creativity or productivity. Try bringing comforting items into your office, like your favorite warm blanket or a cozy hoodie. Design tip: keep the items minimal to avoid bringing clutter to your workspace. 

If you enjoy the smell of scented candles, your personal office space is the perfect place to light one, especially if it’s a scent that helps you focus, like lemon or lavender. 

Design Your Priorities

Do you thrive when everything is organized, or is your “system” a little chaotic? Nothing is worse for your work day than drowning in paperwork. Incorporate staple organization materials into your design using texture, color coordination, and easy-to-access placement.

Another technique you might try is to put up a vision board—a place to display your best achievements and future goals, a place to show off why you do this work and what you’re working toward. We suggest hanging your board in the corner of your space so you can access it when you need a break but it is not front and center of your working space.

Another hot tip: change your board each season to match the rest of your seasonal decor. 

Finding Balance in Your Workspace

No matter how spectacular your office ends up looking, remember that it shouldn’t be your favorite place to be. When you work from home, you need clear lines between your job and your personal life.

Even on lunch breaks, move to a different room or go outside and get some fresh air. A little distance from your command center will make coming “back to work” that much sweeter. Love the space you work in, but give yourself permission to love when you leave.